Does Ayurvedic Medicine Effects Kidney

Does Ayurvedic Medicine Effects Kidney
The National Kidney Foundation (NKF) Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (KDOQI) introduced the concept of chronic kidney disease (CKD) guidelines in 2002. In 2004, the international guideline group Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) adopted these guidelines with minor modifications(Does ayurvedic medicine effects kidneys).

Today, kidney disease has a significant impact on health; millions of people are affected. Kidney disease affects only 1 or 2 children under the age of 19 out of every 1,00,000 annually. Kidney disease is 20 times more prevalent in adults compared to children, and the risk rises progressively with age. 

All of these individuals are looking for the best kidney disease treatment and medications. But practically every form of treatment for kidney disease has been discovered to have a multitude of negative effects. Because ayurvedic kidney medications are made of natural herbs, it has been discovered that they have no side effects(Does ayurvedic medicine effects kidneys).

What is Kidney Disease? (Does ayurvedic medicine effects kidneys)

The tissues, blood vessels, and overall structure of the kidneys are harmed in the condition known as kidney disease. The functions of the kidneys are impacted by this injury, which ultimately has an impact on a person's general health. A person's two kidneys function to eliminate waste and toxins from their body. When kidney function is disrupted, waste begins to mix back into the circulation, damaging additional internal organs.

Causes or Factors for Damaging the Kidney 

Numerous factors might harm the kidneys and change how they operate. These causes of kidney disease are(Does ayurvedic medicine effects the kidney)

Negligent High Blood Pressure treatment

Eating too much mutton

Not going to Urinate on time

Drinking less than 3 liters or more than 5 liters of water each day

Consuming too much Salt

Negligence in the treatment of sugar

Negligence in the treatment of thyroid

Negligence in the treatment of skin diseases

Addiction to alcohol, opium, charas, other tobacco products, etc

Other long-term diseases such as heart, liver, jaundice, paralysis, TB, psoriasis, etc

Drinking cold water from the fridge

Consuming excessive amounts of painkillers, drugs

High protein intake

Lack of vitamins and minerals

Not getting at least 7 to 8 hours of deep sleep

Symptoms of Kidney Disease

Symptoms develop slowly and aren't specific to the disease. Some people have no symptoms at all and are diagnosed by a lab test. 

Many different indications and symptoms of kidney disease(Does ayurvedic medicine effects kidneys) might appear:

Swelling on the Face 

Loss of Appetite

Urination in Drops 



High Blood Pressure

Itching on the Body 

Early Tiredness

Swelling in the Eyes in the morning 

Burning in urine passes

Blood in Urine

Nasty Breath

The mouth's flavor changes

Body Swelling

If you are facing all these symptoms so you may be suffering from Kidney Disease. 

Ayurvedic Herbs for Treating Kidney Disease 

Ayurveda has very effective natural herbs for treating Kidney disease that helps rejuvenate the kidneys by restoring the filtration capacity. Ayurveda treatment can help to lower the risk of kidney failure. Ayurveda gives natural herbs for kidney disease treatment such as Punarnava, Kaasni, Varun, Palash, and Gokshur.

All these herbs good diet and a better lifestyle also help to maintain kidney disease. We will see the detailed explanation below: 


Punarnava maintains the cells' fluid levels stable to promote a healthy urine flow. This ayurvedic medication rejuvenates the entire body while treating kidney failure. Punarnava significantly relieves inflammation or swelling in the feet and joints because of its anti-inflammatory qualities. This beautiful herb helps the body to regenerate and promotes good urine flow (Does ayurvedic medicine effects kidneys).


The herb Kaasni can be used to treat all renal disorders. The herb's anti-inflammatory properties aid in avoiding and treating kidney irritation. Cichorium can also be used to treat low hemoglobin, chronic constipation, and respiratory issues. For complications of kidney failure brought on by the respiratory system, kaasni performs well.


The extremely potent herb Varun heals renal disease at its source. By reducing the body's production of oxalate and inactivating the enzyme glycolate oxidase, it also aids in the prevention of kidney stones. Additionally, it aids in the treatment of conditions like chronic migraines, intestinal worms, and gastrointestinal bleeding.


This Ayurvedic herb is the greatest for renal function and eliminates kidney failure symptoms. Palash significantly improves liver function, which can be reduced and lead to renal disease. The intestinal worms and parasites are removed by their antiseptic activity. The digestive system, a cold, and a sore throat can all be helped by chewing Palaash leaves.

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This ayurvedic herb(ayurvedic medicine for weight loss) cures urinary issues brought on by kidney failure brought on by urine discharges and renal infections. It is a cooling herb that naturally heals chronic kidney illness and inflammation. Gokshur helps the body's immunity and fights kidney infections.

Is it safe to use ayurvedic medicine? (Does ayurvedic medicine effects kidneys)

It is crucial to be aware of the safety of any treatments you intend to use to treat medical conditions. Many people suffer from kidney illness, therefore they must know what treatments are risk-free or won't have any negative consequences on their bodies. 

Since ayurvedic medicines for kidney(ayurvedic medicine for diabetes) disease have no known negative effects, they are the best treatment for kidney disease.

Vedikroots Ayurveda offers a risk-free treatment to prevent different causes of Kidney disease. This treatment is extremely effective at getting rid of the main causes of kidney disease and giving kidney sufferers a long-term fix for their issues.

Precautions for Kidney Disease:-

Although chronic kidney disease (CKD) cannot always be avoided, you can take precautions to lower your risk of developing the condition (Does ayurvedic medicine effects kidneys).

  • Stop Smoking 
  • Healthy Diet 
  • Exercise Regularly
  • Manage Alcohol Intake
  • Manage Underlying Condition
  • Be Careful with painkillers


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