Ayurvedic Tips: 10 Common Mistakes Women Should Avoid During Periods

Common mistakes women should avoid

Menstruation is a time when your body needs extra care. Ayurveda, the ancient system of natural healing, offers guidance on what to avoid during your period to keep you feeling your best. 

This blog tells you about some common mistakes that women should avoid during periods. 

Common Mistakes Women Should Avoid During Periods

While on periods women often make common mistakes that can worsen periods. From consuming fried foods to doing intense exercises, these habits can lead to more cramps, bloating, and sometimes excessive bleeding as well. 

Ayurveda offers insight into what these mistakes are and why you should avoid them.

  1. Heavy, Greasy Foods

Avoid heavy, greasy foods like fried snacks and creamy dishes. These can make you feel sluggish and uncomfortable. Instead, go for light and easy-to-digest foods like soups and steamed vegetables.

  1. Cold and Raw Foods

Cold and raw foods, such as salads and ice-cold drinks, can upset your digestion. Ayurveda suggests having warm, cooked meals and sipping on herbal teas to keep your digestion smooth and comfortable.

  1. Caffeine and Alcohol

Caffeine (from coffee or energy drinks) and alcohol can dehydrate you and make cramps worse. It’s better to choose herbal teas like ginger or chamomile, which help soothe and relax your body.

  1. Intense Exercise

While exercise is good for you, avoid intense workouts during your period. They can increase discomfort. Instead, try gentle activities like stretching or yoga to stay active without overdoing it.

  1. Stressful Situations

Stress can make period symptoms worse. Try to stay calm and relaxed. Practice activities like deep breathing or taking quiet time for yourself to help manage stress.

  1. Synthetic Products

Avoid using synthetic or heavily perfumed menstrual products. They can irritate sensitive skin. Opt for natural, organic cotton products or menstrual cups to stay comfortable.

  1. Skipping Meals or Drinking Less Water

Skipping meals can lead to fatigue and make you feel worse. Eat regular, balanced meals to keep your energy up and help manage your period symptoms.
Also, women drink less water during periods for fear of frequent urination. However, this should be avoided. Hydration helps with bloating and cramps. Try having water-rich foods and beverages.

  1. Excessive Sugar

Too much sugar can cause mood swings and energy crashes. Choose healthier snacks like fresh fruits or a small amount of honey instead of sugary treats.

“It is true that sugar can cause heavy menstrual flow and worsen menstrual pain. If you consume more sweet things during your period, it will cause inflammation,” says Oladapo Ashiru, who is a professor of Anatomy and consultant reproductive endocrinologist in Africa. [1]

  1. Ignoring Rest

Rest is very important. Listen to your body and make sure you get plenty of sleep and relaxation. This helps your body heal and stay balanced during your period.

  1. Ignoring Your Body’s Signals

Pay attention to how your body feels. Everyone is different, so what works for one person might not work for another. Adjust your routine as needed to stay comfortable.

Foods to Enjoy During Your Period

According to Ayurveda, some foods can help you feel better during your period:

  • Warm Soups: These are easy on your stomach and help keep you hydrated.

  • Steamed Vegetables: They’re light and easy to digest, plus they provide essential nutrients.

  • Fresh Fruits: They offer natural sweetness and vitamins.

A 2018 study of university students in Spain found that vegetarian diets and eating more fruits and vegetables corresponded to fewer cramps and reduced menstrual pain. [2]

  • Herbal Teas: Ginger and chamomile teas can help soothe cramps and ease digestion.
  • Dark Chocolates: If you are craving sweets, have dark chocolate as it contains magnesium, antioxidants and other nutrients. 


Following these simple tips can help you feel more comfortable and balanced during your period. By choosing the right foods and avoiding certain things, you can support your body and make this time of the month easier to handle.

This blog is only for informational purposes and should not be replaced by professional medical advice.


  1. https://punchng.com/coffee-sugar-consumption-can-cause-heavy-menstrual-flow-worsen-cramps-expert/ 

  2. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/what-to-eat-on-your-period#foods-to-eat 



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